Routines for Authors
/Whether you are writing a book, keeping a journal, or firing off articles, writing requires consistency. We’ve talked about productivity tips on this blog, but this post is about an adjacent topic: the value of daily rituals.
Rituals aren’t just hacks that let us get more done: they are habits we cultivate as writers. Rituals serve as signals that it’s time to write—and they can be anything, from taking a walk around the block to applying your favorite lipstick to simply opening your laptop. Showing up to our writing in consistent ways helps us become more consistent in our work. Rituals also remind us that writing is important, and they help us take our own practices seriously. Below, three of our Inspira editors share the routines that help get them in the zone.
“We’re in this new era of remote work, but writing has always been known as a work-from-home endeavor,” says Chelsea, Inspira editor. “Still, it helps me to treat it a bit like an office job. When it’s time to write, I wash my face, ditch the sweatpants, and put on a nice outfit. Looking like I’m ready to take on the day gives me a confidence boost that translates to my writing.”
“I give myself five minutes before I sit down to work to ‘set the mood,’” says Kerry, Inspira editor. “I light a candle, make a cup of tea, and (when it's cold) heat up a hot water bottle. Even if the tea never gets drunk, the act of taking a moment to pause and get settled helps me begin writing.”
“I enjoy writing most—and get more done—when I eliminate distractions,” says our editor Tim. “I put my phone in another room—the cat too, if I have to. Sometimes I have to turn off the WiFi on my laptop or put on noise-canceling headphones. I do whatever it takes to keep my often-wandering mind moving in one direction.”
“I need solitude, uninterrupted (and undistracted) time, and the freedom to just keep going—and going, and going—when the “Spirit” moves me in my writing,” says Inspira founder and senior editor, Arlyn. “My writing rituals include a quiet room, an uncluttered desk, classical music, and, ideally, a view!”
The suggestions quoted here are from our Inspira editors, but for further reading on the weird and wonderful ways other great artists, check out the delightful Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey.
And while you’re here, why not share your own routines in the comments?