Author Emails

On top of writing, networking and marketing are probably the second and third most important tasks for an author. You have a great message to share, but you need to gather your audience to share it with. One of the ways we recommend for staying in touch with your network is by a consistent email newsletter.

Tips and Tricks

  • Choose your newsletter format (but don’t be afraid to mix it up!) Generally speaking, newsletters are formatted in two ways:

    • a single topic

    • a “smorgasbord” or “buffet” style newsletter which includes a number of shorter sections or articles

  • Consistency is key. Regular contact with your readers will keep your name (or book) at the forefront of their minds. Decide on your frequency and stick with it—at least for a while. The idea is that your subscribers won’t forget you exist, but won’t feel spammed, either.

  • Short and sweet is OK. No one has ever complained about an email being too short! Keep your structure and frequency consistent, and don’t be afraid to send a short email (which is better than no email at all).

  • Keep your readers engaged. The goal of an ongoing list of subscribers is not simply to send emails to an increasing number of random people. The point is to build a community of engaged readers who care about you and your message. That way, when important opportunities arrive (like a book launch), you will have a dedicated team of people behind you and ready to see and hear what you have to share.

  • Add share buttons. Make your newsletter, blog, message, book, etc. easily sharable. Most newsletter platforms include easy buttons that allow your readers to share your message to Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms. Links are your friends!


What should you include in your newsletter? Below are some ideas to share in your author/reader correspondence:

  • Behind the scenes. Offer your readers a peek into your writing process. Where do you write, when do you write, what inspires you? Bring your fans along for the ride.

  • Background research. Especially for non-fiction writers, your community is probably following you because they are interested in your area of expertise. If you find a fascinating piece of information while you research your topic that you think your readers would appreciate—share it with them!

  • Related news. Are there any new developments in your field? New books you think your readers would be interested it?

  • Excerpts and bonus chapters. If you can, give your community exclusive content (or if not exclusive, let them be the first to read it). Share excerpts from your book that will leave your readers wanting more (and hopefully wanting to buy your book!). This could also include “deleted scenes” or alternate endings to your book.

  • The publishing process. What was your publishing process like? How long did it take? What tips would you have for other authors embarking on their publishing journey?

  • Cover reveal. Let your readers be the first to see the designed cover.

  • Launch team invitation. Avid readers/supporters may love to join your launch team. Include incentives like a free signed copy of your book, etc.

  • Upcoming events

  • Giveaways. You can reward your subscribers by running a contest in which you might give away something like a signed copy of your book, a meet and greet over coffee, or fun branded swag.

  • Reviews. Tell your readers what others are saying are saying about your work.

  • Blog post excerpts. If you are keeping a regular blog, your newsletter is a great place to share writing from it.

  • Your story. How did you begin writing? Who is your biggest inspiration? Where do you like to write? Have you written other books before? Where are you from?

Inspira believes in the importance of finding—and then feeding—your community. Email newsletters are one effective tool to build and audience and gain a community of support. Remember to keep them engaged and excited as you continue on your journey of writing, creating, and sharing your message with the world.

Let us know if you have any other great ideas for authors to include in their own email newsletters!