10 Years of Inspira!
/This year, 2024, marks 10 years of Inspira’s history! It’s hard to believe how the years have flown since we formally became “Inspira Literary Solutions,” but when we look at the list of books we’ve produced in that time—over 100—it really drives home the point. We’ve been honored to partner with amazing authors, and to bring so many beautiful books to print!
In this post, we want to recognize and celebrate the unique journey of every author whom we’ve been privileged to support in their publishing journey. We’ve highlighted some of them below, according to their different genres—coffee table books and celebrity memoirs, children’s books and business leadership manuals, artist reflections and parenting support, Bible studies and historical novels, and so much more.
We take pride in the breadth and depth of the types of books we’ve worked on, and the scope of our work with them—writing, editing, designing, and, most recently, marketing. And, we want you to know we are here to support YOU in crafting and publishing your ideas, no matter what form or genre they might take.
We’ll be posting other reflections and tributes over the course of this year, celebrating our 10 years of dedication to publishing beautiful, transformative books … and looking forward to the many books to come.
Will one of them be YOURS?